Best 3 Methods How to Turn off NFC on iPhone? Must Read

When two devices are close to each other, NFC makes it easy for them to talk to each other. This makes it easy to share data quickly and do other useful things.

But there may be times when you want to turn off NFC on your iPhone. For example, you might want to do this to save battery life or make your iPhone more secure. 

In this article, we will guide you on how to turn off NFC on your iPhone easily.

Iphone NFC

1. What is NFC?

Near Field Communication (NFC) is a short-range wireless technology that enables communication between devices when they are brought into proximity.

Apple added NFC to iPhones starting with the iPhone 6 and the models that followed. NFC on iPhones is mostly used for Apple Pay, which lets you pay without touching a card reader, transferring files, and interacting with devices that have NFC built in.

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2. Step-by-Step Guide: How to Turn off NFC on iPhone

In this section, we will walk you through three different methods to turn off NFC on your iPhone. Choose the one that suits your preferences.

Method 1: Using Control Center

Control Center
  • Access Control Center: Swipe down from the top-right corner of the screen on iPhone X and later models, or swipe up from the bottom of the screen on older iPhones to open the Control Center.
  • Locate NFC Icon: In the Control Center, you’ll find various icons, including an NFC icon that looks like a series of wave-like lines.
  • Disable NFC: Simply tap on the NFC icon to disable the NFC functionality. The icon will turn gray, indicating that NFC is now turned off.

Method 2: Using Settings App

Apple Iphone settings
  • Open Settings: Locate the Settings app on your iPhone’s home screen and tap to open it.
  • Go to NFC: Scroll down and find the “NFC” option. Tap on it to access NFC settings.
  • Turn off NFC: Toggle off the switch next to “NFC” to disable the NFC feature on your iPhone.

Method 3: Using Siri

Siri on iphone Tech iland
  • Activate Siri: Press and hold the side button or say “Hey Siri” to activate Siri.
  • Disable NFC: Give a command like “Turn off NFC” or “Disable NFC” to Siri, and it will turn off the NFC functionality on your iPhone.


3. What are the benefits when Turn off NFC?

Even though NFC is a useful function, there are times when you might want to turn it off. Here are some reasons why you might want to turn off NFC on your iPhone:

  • Battery Conservation: NFC consumes some power in the background, and turning it off can help preserve battery life, especially when you don’t need to use NFC frequently.
  • Security Concerns: Though NFC is generally secure, some individuals prefer disabling it to prevent potential security risks or unauthorized access to their devices.
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Avoid Accidental Interactions: Disabling NFC can prevent accidental interactions with other NFC-enabled devices or payment terminals.


In conclusion, turning off NFC on your iPhone is a straightforward process that can help you conserve battery life, enhance security, and prevent accidental interactions.

Whether you prefer using the Control Center, Settings app, or Siri, you now have the knowledge to disable NFC on your device when needed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What happens when I turn off NFC on my iPhone?

When you turn off NFC on your iPhone, it will disable the ability to use Apple Pay and other NFC-related features. However, all other functions of your iPhone will continue to work as usual.

Can I still use Apple Pay after turning off NFC?

No, turning off NFC will disable Apple Pay. If you frequently use Apple Pay, you might want to keep NFC enabled for convenient contactless payments.

Does turning off NFC improve battery life?

Yes, turning off NFC can help conserve battery life as it stops the continuous background scanning for NFC-enabled devices.

How do I know if NFC is on or off?

When NFC is turned on, you’ll see the NFC icon (series of wave-like lines) in the Control Center. If the icon is grayed out, NFC is turned off.

Are there any security risks with NFC?

NFC is generally secure; however, like any technology, it’s essential to be cautious and not share sensitive information with unknown or untrusted sources.

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